CRM and BI Solutions Market for Wholesale & Distribution in North America

Our client had invested in a CRM solution provider and was now looking to exit the investment via a sale of the company.

The objective was to assess the total addressable market (TAM) for CRM and business intelligence (BI) solutions focused on the wholesale and distribution market in North America.

10EQS assessed the distribution CRM market size and growth in North America across industry verticals and identified segments to prioritize for penetration. 10EQS further assessed the competitive landscape to determine how the target company could differentiate and evaluated customer insights on buying behavior, needs, and pain points

Project Team
  • Ex-McKinsey Management Consultant with experience in CRM & BI, and background in private equity
  • Associate Consultant conducting secondary research
  • 10EQS Delivery Operations (=PMO) providing quality assurance, process management and expert recruitment
  • 15 industry experts
Industry experts (sample)
  • Director of Marketing – Real Estate & Construction Company (Customer)
  • Head of New Business, Customer Growth, and Existing Business Sales – Software Company (Competitor)
  • Sales Director – Consumer Goods Company (Customer)
  • Marketing & CRM Consultant
  • VP Customer Care – Software Company (Competitor)

10EQS provided go-to-market recommendations for the target company to increase its market share and refine its positioning. The insights helped the client to present a robust fact base toward investors to support the sale of the company.