Digital Twin Applications Across Industries

Our client was looking to better understand how digital twin applications are being used outside of the typical maintenance use cases and increasingly for more business strategy simulations

The objective was to explore specific examples of how executive leaders have deployed digital twins/simulations for strategic simulations and how these tools and capabilities are going from operational environments to customer environments. 

10EQS assessed Digital Twins use cases for strategic and customer-facing applications across various industry verticals. 10EQS further assessed the level of maturity, key challenges to leveraging and deploying digital twins, how companies have overcome such challenges and how digital twins improve decision-making and strategic interventions.

Project Team
  • Ex-McKinsey Management Consultant with extensive experience in Strategy & Technology Transformation
  • Associate Consultant conducting secondary research and supporting content synthesis
  • 10EQS Delivery Operations (=PMO) providing quality assurance, process management and expert recruitment
  • 8 Industry experts
Industry experts (sample)
  • Sr. Global Director – Digital Strategy and Transformation Real Estate Company (US)
  • Director Digital Twin–  Telecommunications and Media Company (UK)
  • Senior Product Manager, Digital Twin –  Gaming Company (Paris)
  • Head of Digital Twin – Technology Company (Germany)

10EQS provided the client with a perspective on how Digital Twins are more effective in making predictions and simulations compared to traditional analytics because of their integration with real-time spatial and temporal data.