Digital Supply Chain Tracking Solution Competitive Landscape Assessment

Our client was looking to get a deeper understanding of the competitive landscape for its digital supply chain tracking solution.

The main objective was to inform the client’s strategic direction and competitive positioning, particularly focusing on three key categories: Device Manufacturers, Asset Pooling Providers with Digital Services, and Supply Chain Visibility Platform Providers. 

10EQS assessed competitors’ technological capabilities and service offerings, as well as gathered insights into customer satisfaction and preferences, analyzed competitors’ sales and marketing approaches, and evaluated market trends and competitor strategies. 10EQS further complemented the external insights with an internal stakeholder perspective on the client’s offering and strengths & weaknesses.

Project Team
  • Ex-McKinsey Management Consultant with extensive technology & transformation industry experience 
  • Ex-Hitachi Consultant specialized in innovation and experienced venture architect
  • 10EQS Delivery Operations (=PMO) providing quality assurance, process management and expert recruitment
  • 12 Industry experts
Industry experts (sample)
  • Chief Strategy Officer – Supply Chain Visibility Platform Provider (Canada)
  • Global Chief Information Officer – Asset Pooling Provider (US)
  • VP of Product – Device Manufacturer (US)
  • Chief Digital Officer – Asset Pooling Provider (Germany)
  • Director, Partnerships & Ecosystem – Device Manufacturer (UK)

10EQS provided the client with insights into the three competitive categories and defined critical market differentiators and go-to-market recommendations for the client to enter the digital supply chain market.